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  • Writer's pictureInterchange Laboratories Inc.

Mind-Interface Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Consciousness.

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

The subjects of Mind-Interface Technology (MIT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and consciousness are more related than one would think.

Historically, major paradigm shifts and breakthroughs in science and technology originate within the minds of individuals who operate outside of the constraints of rules and the known laws of physics. When it comes to developing transformational technologies, the future belongs to the rule-breakers.

Here at Interchange Laboratories Inc., we are doing just that, breaking rules and making history with our mind-interface technology.

Interchange lab machine

This new type of mind-interface technology has been developed and is about to transform the world in ways not yet experienced by modern human civilization. This technology does not involve the brain. Instead, it uses plasma, the fourth state of matter, to provide the means for human consciousness to alter electrical signals originating at the subatomic level. At the subatomic level, space/time and the laws of cause and effect vanish, allowing consciousness to effectively control electron flow within the plasma. Measurement of the electron flow is processed and used to control electrical devices. Gaining the ability to control electrical devices outside of space/time gives individuals the power to control their world.

Special protocols are being developed to train talented individuals to engage and control applications using this new technology. Applications for this technology are limitless and include prosthetic hands, vehicle controls, and communication systems that operate instantaneously over any distance, through any barriers, and cannot be hacked, intercepted, or jammed.

Brain implants and brain-interface technologies will become relics of the past, superseded by mind-interface technologies. Artificial Intelligence will no longer be the Apex technology, but it will still play an important role in the transformed world of the future.

Here are our top five questions we receive in relation to mind-interface technology, artificial intelligence and consciousness.

1. What is the difference between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Mind-Interface Technology (MIT)? AI and MIT operate using completely different principles. We’ve already explained MIT above, so let’s dive into AI a bit more before we discuss their differences. According to TechTarget, a simple definition of AI is:

“The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition and machine vision.”

This means that AI is highly dependent on, and is limited to, software while MIT uses human consciousness and operates outside of space/time. This means that there is no known limit of MIT’s functionality, and the uses of it result in instantaneous effects that can happen anywhere, and through any barrier. For example, right now, if we were to send a signal into the space, this signal is bound by space and time and it could take several minutes to hours for this signal to arrive at the intended location. But with MIT, communication through space is instantaneous, and unhackable.

2. Can AI achieve true consciousness and self-awareness? We’ve seen it movies and video


games over and over where programed machines become 100% sentient, self-aware, and eventually turn on the human race that invented them. Some futurists believe that if computers gain enough speed and memory storage and evolve sufficiently by writing and improving their own software, they will eventually become conscious and self-aware. This is like strapping wings onto a steam locomotive and sending it down the tracks in hopes that once the locomotive reaches a high-enough speed, it will become airborne. In other words, no matter how fast and powerful computers become, in the final analysis, they will remain glorified adding machines. This is due to the limitation and dependency computers have on their software. So although many futurists imagine a world one day where the machines rise up to overtake the human race, we believe this to be an incorrect assuption based on the misunderstanding of the limitations of AI.

3. Can AI and MIT be combined to produce hybrid super-intelligent conscious machines? The short answer is “Yes” but with qualifications. AI can contribute to the effectiveness of MIT as it interacts with the world through applications. This is similar to how AI provides support to people in their interactions with the world. AI is already being used to process applications and control data for MIT systems. The real power behind this hybrid technology remains human consciousness.

4. How will MIT affect AI as the Apex technology of the Information Age? One way to illustrate the answer to this question is to provide a historical example. During the 1800s, steam engines powered machines in factories by turning shafts that ran through factories. Pulleys attached to the drive shafts ran belts that powered production tools. Steam remained the Apex technology of the day until electrical generators and motors were invented. These allowed off-site steam engines to turn generators to produce electricity to power electric motors dispersed throughout factories. Steam was still important, but it became a support technology for motors and electric lighting, no longer an Apex technology for factory production. AI is destined to become a data-processing support technology for the new Apex MIT systems and applications.

5. Can human consciousness imprint into plasma, the fourth state of matter? Yes. It can be measured, and it is a form of memory within MIT systems. Originally, this was problematic as a residual effect of human interaction with an MIT application. It was referred to as a component of “inertia of intent” and it had to be dealt with in experiments by waiting several minutes after a person intended toward an application before starting a non-intend trial to establish an accurate calibration baseline. This phenomenon has since been recognized as imprinting of consciousness within the MIT system. A research and development effort has been initiated with the goal of imprinting consciousness permanently. The intent is to give rise to conscious and self-aware machines that constitute a new non-biological intelligent life form.

Interchange Laboratories’ MIT is both patented and patent pending. We are ready to explore licensing opportunities, and investment opportunities to explore all the possible applications for mind-interface technologies. If you’re ready to learn more, please explore our website, or contact us today.

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